This book contains three novellas.
Gil Hamilton was more than an operative for ARM - the elite global police force. He was an essential. His intuition was peerless; his psychic powers were devastating. And his raw courage took him into the depths of inner and outer space where others feared to tread! But Gil Hamilton had enemies. Many enemies. Some were organleggers - those murderous dealers of illicit transplants. Others were just ordinary killers. Around any corner, Gil could probably find someone waiting to kill him. In order to stay alive - and operating - he always had to be armed for death!
· Death by Ecstasy (“The Organleggers")
· The Defenseless Dead
· Afterword: The Last Word About SF Detectives
Paperback, good condition. Slight wear on cover edges.
Published by Futura Books,1983 (first published 1980).
ISBN: 0708880703